We have onsite CBCT imaging which allows us to visualize dental anatomy in 3-Dimensions. CBCT, which stands for cone-beam computed tomography, is a state-of-the-art x-ray that produces 3D images of patients’ teeth, nerve tissue, and face and neck regions in just a single, impressive scan.
Using a rotating imaging device that moves around the patient's head, the scanner records between 150 and 600 different X-ray views in under a minute. Then, a powerful computer processes the information and creates a virtual model of the area under study. When it's done, the model appears as a three-dimensional image on a computer screen: It can be rotated from side to side or up and down, examined in greater or less detail, and manipulated in any number of ways — all without the patient feeling any discomfort.
With precise, crystal-clear 3D images, this innovative 3D system offers our team powerful insights in the patient’s dental regions of interest. This capability is essential for a wide range of diagnostics that, in turn, help us devise more accurate treatment plans and answer any questions you have about your care and treatment options.
Where Cone Beam CT Is Used
The ability to see fine anatomical structures in 3-D has proven invaluable in treating conditions in many areas of dentistry.
Orthodontics: Having accurate information on the position of teeth and jaws helps determine exactly how and where teeth should be moved.
Dental implants: Detailed CBCT images are used to determine the optimum location for the titanium implants while avoiding nerves, sinuses and areas of low bone density.
Orthognathic Jaw Surgery and Temporo-mandibular Joint (TMJ) Disease: Patients benefit when the specialists who treat these conditions can evaluate their anatomy with the three-dimensional perspective that cone beam CT provides.
Oral Surgery: Treatment for tumors or impacted teeth is aided by the level of fine detail shown in these scans.
Endodontics: Dentists performing intricate procedures (like complex root canals, for example) can benefit from a clearer visualization of the tooth's anatomy.
Sleep Apnea: Imaging the tissues and structures of the nose, mouth and throat can aid in diagnosis and treatment of this dangerous condition.
Interested in learning more about the Cone Beam CT? Contact us